The 3 Dimensional Art category contains any art which has or seeming to have length, width, and depth. Relief, pottery, sculpture, installation, kinetic, and conceptual 3-D artworks created in metal, paper, wood, stone, fiber, plastics, glass, ceramics, trash or any other material which can be used to create 3 dimensional art.
All winning entries will now be featured on the Light Space & Time website for 10 weeks, from July 25th through October 2nd and thereafter, the artworks and links to the artist’s websites will remain online in the Light Space & Time Archives.
Congratulations to our artists who made our “10th Anniversary” Art Exhibition so successful. At any time, we invite our winners and other interested visitors to link their websites to the Gallery’s Archive section for further ongoing promotion.
The Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery will have digital “10th Anniversary” Award Certificates, Event Postcard and Press Releases sent to the winning artists within the next few weeks. Thank you to all of the artists who participated and for being a part of the gallery.
Below are the top winning artists in the 3 Dimensional Art Category. To view the artwork, click on a thumbnail image and that will take you to the Slide Show, which will then contain larger images.
Artists can now post their images directly to their social media networks (See lower left-hand side of the Lightbox). In order to leave the Slide Show at any time, just click on the X at the upper right side of the Lightbox in order to escape and that will take you back to the thumbnails images. To Return to the “10th Anniversary” Home Page click here.
1st Place – Michele Bourdeau - “Woman with Scarf” – Email
2nd Place – CKCooper - “Desert Dancer” –
3rd Place – Tony Gangitano - “Provocative Curves” –
4th Place – Jeff Key - “Vessel #82—On-Off” –
5th Place – Aodan - “My Baby Has Your Eyes” – Email
6th Place – K.R. Nariman - “Precarious” –
7th Place – Heather Dailey-Mezzacappa - “Lelekata” – Email
8th Place – Cathryn Peters - “Silent Whispers from the East” –
9th Place – Michael McKie - “Jolly Roger” –
10th Place – Haviva Zemach - “De Frofundis Detail No. 3” –
Top 10 Artists
Special Recognition