“Abstracts” Art Exhibition 2021 - Special Merit - Photo & Digital

Congratulations to our artists who made our 12th Annual “Abstracts” Art Exhibition so successful this month. At any time, we invite our winners and other interested visitors to link their websites to the Gallery’s Archive section for further ongoing promotion.

The Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery will have digital “Abstracts” Award Certificates, Event Postcard and Press Releases sent to the winning artists within the next few weeks. Thank you to all of the artists who participated and for being a part of the gallery. To Return to the “Abstracts” Home Page click here.

The artists who have been recognized in the Special Merit Award Category are divided into 2 groups of artists.  The other group is the Special Merit Painting & Other Media (Here).

To view the artwork in the image gallery’s below, click on a thumbnail image and that will take you to the Slide Show, which will then contain larger images. Artists can now post their images directly to their social media networks (See lower left-hand side of the Lightbox).  In order to leave the Slide Show at any time, just click on the X at the upper right side of the Lightbox in order to escape and that will take you back to the thumbnails images.

Ilona Abou-Zolof - "Pinkish” – http://www.zolof.net

Sylvia Bandyke - "Blindsided” – www.facebook.com/bandykephotocollage

Jyl Blackwell - "Flourish” – https://jylart.square.site

Joe Bucherer - "DendriformEddy” – http://joebuchererphotography.com

Joanne Chase-Mattillo - "Triangles and Lines” – www.joannechasemattillo.com

Hasten Clery - "You and Me” – www.analteredview.com

Paul J. Collins - "Segments of Abstraction” – Email

Anne Crays - "Soho Sidewalk” – www.craysphotography.com

Penny de Jong - "Line” – Email

Garret Demarest - "Quaked” – www.innervigorations.com

Garret Demarest - "Saint Elmo's Fire” – www.innervigorations.com

Dick and Rosanne - "Queen of the Night Embelishment” – http://dickandrosanne.com

Dick and Rosanne - "Epiphany” – http://dickandrosanne.com

Dick and Rosanne - "Phoenix” – http://dickandrosanne.com

John H. Diephouse - "Enter the Matrix” – Email

Brandie Ferguson - "Red Hot” – http://bfergusonphotography.com

Jeb Gaither - "Peaceful Reflections #1549” – http://www.artbyai.com

Linda Greenwood - "Snow Ball” – Email

Cheryl Hrudka - "The Face” – www.analteredview.com

Lori Lankford - "Light of the Amazon” – www.lorilankford.com

Diamante Lavendar - "Peacock Feathers and Bubblegum” – https://diamante-lavendar.pixels.com

Vadim Lorman - "The Light will Come” – https://vlorman.smugmug.com

Anand Swaroop Manchiraju - "Abstract Composition-2” – https://fineartamerica.com/profiles/anandswaroop-manchiraju

Tim McEnerney - "Found 2” – www.timmcenerneyimages.com

Barbara Mierau-Klein - "Blue Green Abstract” – www.barbaramierauklein.com

Robbi Ling Montgomery - "Long and Winding Road” – www.robbilingmontgomeryimages.com

William Nourse - "Mirror” – www.willnourse.photography

Y. Hope Osborn - "Kaleidoscope 4” – www.mediamosaicart.net

Peggy Jones Pfister - "Censored” – Email

John Pingree - "Stairs” – www.flickr.com/photos/jpingree

Jennifer D Podor - "On to the City” – www.mcpodphotography.com

Wenda Pyman - "Disorientation” – www.wendapyman.photoshelter.com

Maureen Ravnik - "Between Earth and Heaven” – www.maureenravnik.crevado.com

Mary McKenna Ridge - "Dawn over Madrid” – Email

Gregory B. Searle - "Flight” – www.fractalartdesign.com

Stephanie Sheppard - "Abstract Intersections” – Email

Joyce Simpson - "Abstract Sea” – https://joycesimpson.myportfolio.com

James Stasiak – “Floating Shadow” – www.wisefishworld.com

Marya Triandafellos - "Tin Roof Rusted” – www.marya.nyc

Mary F. Wicks - "Abstractica 4 1” – Email

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