All Women Art Exhibition - Photography Category

The Photography & Digital Category contains any images captured by either an analog or digital camera and would be viewed as a print. Black and white photographs, color photographs, digital or analog photographs, photo grams, other experimental photography, alternative photographic processes, manipulated photography etc. would be included in this category.  In addition, we have included most digital based art in this section.

All winning entries will now be featured on the Light Space & Time website for the month of January 2016 and thereafter, the artworks and links to the artist’s websites will remain online in the Light Space & Time Archives.

The Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery will have digital “All Women” Award Certificates, Event Postcard and Press Releases sent to the winning artists within the next week or so. Thank you to all of the artists who participated and for being a part of the gallery.  To return to the All Women Home Page here.

Below are the top winning artists in the Photography & Digital Category. In addition, this also includes the Special Recognition (SR) Artists in this category as well.

1st Place - Nina Chung - "Redemption" -

2nd Place - Susan Paradise-Burke - "Infinity" - Artist's Website

3rd Place - Danielle Austen - "Whisper" -

4th Place - Jennifer Bongiorno - "Boat Under the Milky Way" - Website

5th Place - Kallena Kucers - "Substance. #3" -

Hon. Mention - Maureen Kirk-Detberner - "Power to the People" - Website

Hon. Mention - Morag Locke - "Old Hill Gates" -

Hon. Mention - Dale Ralph - "Return to Vampire Island" - Artist's Website

Hon. Mention - Lisa Redburn - "Sognando" -

Hon. Mention - Carol Roullard - "Shattered" -


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