Special Merit – Painting & Other Media Category

Congratulations to our artists who made our 7th Annual “Botanicals” Art Exhibition so successful this month. At any time, we invite our winners and other interested visitors to link their websites to the Gallery’s Archive section for further ongoing promotion.

The Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery will have digital “Botanicals” Award Certificates, Event Postcard and Press Releases sent to the winning artists within the next week or so. Thank you to all of the artists who participated and for being a part of the gallery. To Return to the Botanicals Home Page here.

The artists who have been recognized in the Special Merit Award Category are divided into 2 groups of artists.  One group is the Special Merit Photography & Digital Media (Here).  

Special Merit Painting & Other Media (Below)

Joanne Abbott - "Golden Lily" - www.joanneabbottart.com

Judy Albright - "Blossoms on Main Street" - Website

Wendy Allison - "A Daisy A Day" - wendyandwayne98@gmail.com

Ilona Benzel - "Flower Garden" - www.ormondbeachartbenzel.com

Gaye Boltong - "Hues of Blues" - www.touchofthebrush.com

Gaye Boltong - "Nasturtiums" - www.touchofthebrush.com

Crista Bromley - "Cactus Flower" - www.cgbfinearts.com

Crista Bromley - "Purple Iris" - www.cgbfinearts.com

Kat Brown - "Iris and Butterfly" - Website

Francesca Busca - "Give me your Rubbish, and I’ll Make it Blossom" - Website

Donna Byers - "Azzurro (blue)" - www.biggerpicturestudio.com

Verónica Chauvet - "Voyagers 2" - www.veronicachauvet.com

Lynn Chen - "Fragrance of Tea Flower" - Website

Kathleen Conroy - "Floral Explosion" - www.artbykateconroy.com

Greta Corens - "Rose Caroline" - www.gretacorens.artistwebsites.com

Carol Corliss - "Beauty Is In the Iris" - www.carolcorlissfineart.com

Janette Curwen - "Rhododendrons" - ajcurwen@hotmail.com

Mark De Colibus - "The Pink Ladies" - Website

Zera Derrig - "Three Red Apples" - www.zeraderrig.com

Celine Donegan - "Gum Nut Flowers" - www.celinedonegan.com

Norma Eaton - "Desert Willow Blossom" - Website

Norma Eaton - "Wedding Dahlia" - Website

Sheila Eder - "Still Red" - shems145@gmail.com

Gretchen Ellison - "Magical Willow" - Gretapaints@gmail.com

Rosella Farmer - "Peonies" - rosellaf@shaw.ca

Jerry Gadd - "Longwood Gardens Lily" - Website

Veronique Gambier - "Ink Study · Iris I" - Website

Joyce Geertz - "Burst of Spring" - jgeertz@yahoo.com

Kelly Griffith - "Namaste" - www.kellygriffithart.com

Diane Harm - "Stepping Out" - www.dianeharm.com

Diane Harm - "Summer Feast" - www.dianeharm.com

Jennifer Haslimeier - "Aloe Mawii" - www.jennyhaslimeier.com

Jennifer Haslimeier - "Knightia Excelsa (Rewarewa)" - Website

Wanda Hickman - "Sea Fronds" - Website

Musa Jaman - "Dali's Dahlia" - Website

Shabana Kauser - "British Rose" - www.shabanakauserart.com

Lynn Kibbe - "Circus Rose" - www.lynnkibbefineart.weebly.com

Suzahn King - "Big Red Lily Small" - rjcnsc@yahoo.com

Suzahn  King - "More Colors in My Garden" - rjcnsc@yahoo.com

Suzahn King - "My Easter Lily" - rjcnsc@yahoo.com

Suzahn King - "New Red Lily" - rjcnsc@yahoo.com

Tracey Knowland - "Dappled Palm" - Website

Tracey Knowland - "The Beauty Within" - Website

Sue Kroll - "Spring Blossom" - www.sues-art.com

Ruth Kurisu - "Orange Poppy" - www.ruthkurisu.com

Thelma Lazo-Flores - "Amaryllis for Mom" - Website

Charlotte Lough - "Vignette of Roses" - Website

Barbara Lyons - "SeaGrapes" - www.bzlyons.wixsite.com/myart

Debbie Mackall - "Blue Poppy" - www.debbiemackall.com

Robin Manelis - "Within the Thorns" - www.robinmanelis.com

Anita Marci - "White Hibiscus" - www.anitatheartist.com

Rohini Mathur - "Drama Queen Sunflowers" - Website

Jennifer McCarthy - "Early Risers" - www.jennifercmccarthy.com

Patrick McClintock - "Big Floral" - Website

Patrick McClintock - "Pink Roses" - Website

Jerry McClure - "Persephone's Garden" - Email

Clare McGhee - "Spear Thistle" - www.claremcghee.com

Clare McGhee - "Pomegranate" - www.claremcghee.com

Laura Meddens - "Botanical Surge" - www.LauraMeddens.com

Rosemarie Meis - "Rose Duet" - droseme@yahoo.com

Janet Milera - "Pinnacle of Life 2" - milera.exhibitions@gmail.com

Adrienne Moore - "Floral Essence 2" - Website

Daria Nawrocki - "Clematis" - Website

Laurie Peters - "Meconopsis" - www.lauriepeters.co.uk

Linda Phillabaum - "Evening Rose" - Website

Katherine Pirrello - "Rhodo Plant" - www.naturesartistimages.com

Paula Pohli - "Stages" - www.paulapohli-art.com

Chris Polunin - "Still Life with Flowers 12" - Website

Richard Randall - "Sometimes Falling Apart Helps You Grow" - Email

Edie Reed - "Spring Fling" - Website

Lynne Renzenberger - "Prismatica" - lynnerenz@gmail.com

J. Richbow - "Thriving Azaleas" - www.facebook.com/ljrichbow

Kristi Richter - "Arthur" - keddywumpus@yahoo.com

Kevan Rigby - "Frangipani Cluster" - kevan.rigby@gmail.com

Cristina Rimniceanu - "Stone Flowers" - Website

Katy Rosenthal - "Makings of A Chai Tea" - Website

Tatiana Roulin - "Lilies Of The Incas" - www.3dmirror.com

Michelle Sanders - "Spring Celebrities" - www.misaarts.com

Yelena Shabrova - "Fortitude" - http://shabrova.com

Yelena Shabrova - "Sun Kissed" - http://shabrova.com

Pat Cabana Silva - "Dandi Field" - www.patsilvaartstudio.etsy.com

Michael Skoff - "In The Breeze" - 3prettybugs@gmail.com

Cecily Slade - "Luscious" - www.cecilyslade.com

Cecily Slade - "Grace" - www.cecilyslade.com

Elle Smith - "Black Stars" - www.inspiredbyelle.com

Kate Trabulsi - "Black and White Lotus" - www.kateohtrabulsi.com

Mary Sue Veerkamp-Schwab  - "Magnificent Hydrangeas" - Website

Mary Sue Veerkamp-Schwab - "Perfect Peonies" - Website

Nancy Viola - "Crimson Angels" -  Website 

Marti  White - "Geraniums" - www.artbymartiwhite.com


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